Autumn Inspiration

 'I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.'

Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables

Without a doubt, autumn is my favourite season. I'm always ready for it after the summer, which often feels a little intense to me. Although there are many joyous aspects to summertime, I don't like too much heat (blame my Geordie roots) and I find the stifling summer nights that we sometimes get in London just too much. It feels like a sigh of relief when I start to sense autumn approaching.

It's also a time of year when I tend to feel most creatively inspired. So much more than at the start of a new calendar year, I see the start of autumn as a time of new beginnings. Having been a teacher for fourteen years, perhaps this is no surprise. New stationery, anyone? Autumn's musings seem to be more slow-paced, reflective and thoughtful. My notebook becomes filled with questions, trains of thought, sketches and kernels of ideas that may or may not lead to something bigger.

Watercolour paints and paintbrush with autumnal objects

Visually, autumn is, of course, nothing short of stunning. There are so many details to examine, from the intricacy of a pine cone (those of you who know me will know how much I love them!) to glossy scarlet rosehips and the ever-changing hues of the deciduous leaves in between. 

Rosehips painted with watercolour and ink.

This autumn, I encourage you to take a wander outdoors - anywhere with a good amount of trees - and soak in autumn. Even better if you can take a sketchbook with you and try a few drawings as you perch somewhere, preferably wrapped up in cosy woollens, perhaps with a flask of tea if you're well-organised. 

autumn leaf and acorn painted in watercolour and ink

Gather some natural objects, such as fallen sycamore keys, leaves of different colours, acorns or pine cones and bring them home to study, draw or paint. I guarantee you will feel soothed and invigorated after spending some time walking in woods and examining autumn's treasures. Your drawings don't have to be shown to anyone else; they don't have to be 'good' (more on that later!). Their purpose is to allow you to look closer and wonder. 

pencil, paintbrush and fineliner with autumnal objects on a wooden background.

'I would rather teach drawing that my pupils may learn to love nature,
than teach the looking at nature that they may learn to draw.'

John Ruskin

Happy October!


Autumn Art Set on wooden background.
With three unique autumnal watercolour projects,
my Autumn Art Set has everything
you need to get creative this season.
Find out more...



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